Friday, November 3, 2017


Pronouns are nouns that can take the place of nouns within a noun phrase.

Pronouns are important as they are used to stand in place of nouns to keep sentences from containing repetitive words.

For example,

Sally likes to go grocery shopping because Sally likes to find new flavors of ice cream, even though Sally thinks that frozen section is too cold.

This sentence has used Sally repeatedly causing the sentence flow to be awkward. It is reminiscent of someone speaking in the third person.

Instead, using the pronoun she, the sentence will look like this:

Sally likes to go to the grocery store because she likes to find new flavors of ice cream, even though she thinks that frozen section is too cold.

This sentence flows better than it did before.

These are the different pronouns that can be used to replace nouns in sentences.

1st Person Pronouns 
I, me, my, mine myself

2nd Person Pronouns
You, your, yours, yourself

3rd Person Pronoun (male)
He, him, his, himself

3rd Person Pronoun (female)
She, her, hers, herself

3rd Person Pronoun
It, its, itself

1st Person (Plural)
We, us, our, ours, ourselves

2nd Person (Plural)
You, your, yours, yourselves

3rd Person (Plural)
They, them, their, theirs, themselves

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