Thursday, October 5, 2017

Why Grammar?

Someone, somewhere decided in some point in history to make up a bunch of arbitrary rules to control the English language.

Or at least that is how is has seemed to those of us who do not show the utmost expertise in sentence structure.

There is a method to the madness, I promise. It just takes a bit of practice and our use of grammar will improve. As with any skill, practice makes perfect.

So, let's get down to business.

Why Grammar?

First, we need to have the understanding that the goal here is to discuss Standard American English. This is the English that is used in the United States. This is to be sure we are all on the same page.

It all started back in the late 15th century. English was originally only a spoken language. French and Latin were mainly used when formally communicating in writing. Since it was oral only, it was not important to have an established written standard. However, when the printing press was introduced it became possible to communicate to a great number of people making a need to have a written language that could be read and understood by the people. Even though English became the standard, there was not a standard to how it was represented while written down. These inconsistencies in between authors and printers made things confusing.

In the 18th century there is the emergence of the Age of Reason where an influential group of writers set out to make rules for the English language. They were highly influenced by classical Greek and Latin, they aimed to make the English less chaotic. Frustrated by how meanings of words changed and new words regularly came into existence they sought to make English permanent, unmoving and logical.

These writers did well to begin the process of standardizing grammar, but they lacked the understanding that language is an ever-changing concept. New words are created and meanings shift. Those who understood this began to focus on collecting the information of words and produced the dictionary in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Grammar, though, does have some rules we attempt to follow to make English understandable, readable and writable. That is why we study it. It is gain understanding that can help in communicating to others in writing and when speaking and to be clear in the information that is being delivered.

The goal of this blog is to find a way to make grammar understandable and maybe even a little enjoyable.

So let's go on this journey together, and maybe by the end you can wear a shirt like this with confidence!

picture source

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